MLS Laser Therapy
LASER has been in use in medicine since the 1970’s. Firstly in surgery then for therapy. Developments in technology and an improvement in the knowledge of how light affects the organism allow lasers today to be one of the most widespread forms of physical therapy.
Laser therapy uses light to favour and accelerate natural healing processes. The ray of light is moved over the skin so that the light energy penetrates the tissue, where it interacts with various molecules, determining different biological effects. These effects depend on the characteristics of the laser source, the treatment parameters (wavelength, power, emission mode, frequency and impulse width if using pulsed laser, treatment durations, etc.) and the characteristics of the tissue.
Laser therapy is non-invasive and non-painful and can be applied daily for all pathologies where pain, inflammation, oedema, wounds and ulcers are present.
Today, with the introduction of MLS ® Laser Therapy, the anti-inflammatory outcome can be effectively associated with the analgesic effect to obtain complete results.
MLS ® Laser Therapy
MLS ® (Multiwave Locked System) Laser Therapy is an innovative therapeutic technique, the new method of laser light delivery improves the therapeutic effectiveness of laser. The MLS ® pulse is generated by a sophisticated continuous and pulsed emission system that is synchronised and combined; the two sources with different wavelengths penetrate the tissue in-depth.
Emission synchronisation synergically strengthens the therapy effects that each would have if used individually. Synergy of the therapeutic effects: anti-inflammatory, anti-oedematous, analgesic and biostimulating.
Biological Effects of Laser
Effects on Cells
Increases ATP synthesis
Increase the synthesis of the proteins that bond the ATP, making it more useable for metabolic and anabolic processes at cell level*
Increases the production of RNA
Increases cell proliferation
Induces differentiation processes
Releases growth factors (fibroblasts) and other substances
Increases the production of molecules of the extracellular matrix (fibroblasts and chondrocytes)
Increases the PP1 protein and alkaline phosphatase activity, both of which favour cell return to a basic state if altered and both of which modulate the metabolism of glycogen and the muscle relaxation/contraction process*
Increases the MyoD, a-enolasi, PP1 proteins, which regulate myogenesis and mediate the reconstruction of damaged muscle fibres*
Increase the anti-inflammatory protein NLRP 10that inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory interleukin*
Effects on Tissue
Modulates of inflammatory processes
Extracellular matrix remodelling
Induces myogenesis and as such the reconstitution of damaged muscles fibres*
Modulates production of the structural proteins of the muscle, such as actin and tropomyosin, that are important for muscular contraction*
Increases the Galectina-3 and HNRNP K proteins, which can induce angiogenesis and the regeneration of nerve fibres, important for neuronal function and lymphatic and vascular regeneration*
Stimulates the endothelial function
Reduces oedema re-absorption times
Prevents the formation of noticeable scar tissue
* Effects demonstrated by studies in which MLS® devices were used as the laser source; the studies were carried out at the ASA campus, Joint Laboratory Dept of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences, University of Florence – Italy.
Effects & Cycles
Effects at a Systemic Level
Analgesic effect obtained from:
A reduction in the inflammatory component
A reduction of the oedema
A reduction in muscular spasms
Algogenic substance “Wash Out”
Increased endorphine synthesis
Modulation of pain stimulus conduction
Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oedema Effect
Analgesic effect obtained from:
Vasodilation and modulation of the permeability of the lymphatic and capillary vessels
An inhibited production of pro-inflammatory molecules
Pro-inflammatory molecules “Wash Out’
Biostimulating Effect
Analgesic effect obtained from:
An increased supply of nutrients, oxygen and growth factors thanks to vasodilation
Activation of the cell functions
Recovery and modulation of the cell energy metabolism
Modulation of cell proliferation and differentiation (eg nerve regeneration)
Induction of the recovery if muscle fibre and damaged nerve endings
Modulation of the synthesis and organisation of the matrix proteins
Control of the formation and organisation of scar tissue
Treatment Cycles
A treatment cycle can include from 2-15 sessions, according to the gravity of the pathology. Acute pathologies generally require fewer treatment sessions (from 2-8), while chronic pathologies require a higher number (from 8-15). The exception comes in the form of skin wounds that need to be treated until the wound has completely cicatrized.